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Judge Not

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

Whether you believed the Bible to be the untarnished word of God, a collection of Jewish fairy tales, or something in between, you gotta admit, there’s some sage advice in there. See above.

Remember those occasional news accounts of some weird hag somewhere who is living with some ungodly number of dogs or cats or both? And you think, “What a lunatic! Why on earth would anyone live like that? Why does anyone need more than one ‘pet’?” etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.  See above.

Some days I think I have become that hag. The thing is, I also remember the stages in between. The happy years of doting on one beloved dog. The devastating years of what I came to call ‘the empty house syndrome’ when that beloved dog died and the hollow ache of returning each day to a house with no greeting awaiting me on the other side of that door. I 100_2201-1remember having two dogs. I remember when I was contemplating having three dogs saying, ‘But I only have two hands. How can I pet more than two dogs at once? How can I walk more than two dogs at once? Oh the folly of ignoring sage advice. “Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!” Enter dog sledding….